Connective Counseling offers MFT training supervision in a variety of formats:
Individual Supervision - I'm available for individual training supervision with up to 2 supervisees at a time. According to the AAMFT, this counts as individual supervision. Contact me for more information or to schedule an initial session.
Group Supervision - Group supervision is offered at a reduced rate, and it allows MFTs to meet, network, and learn from one another. Options for group include 2 hour group supervision every other week for 10 - 12 weeks at a time, and in a day long format, usually 9-3 on a Saturday. This gives supervisees 6 hours of group supervision in one day.
*If you are a MFT wanting me to be your clinical/training supervisor, you must first have a work supervisor. Contact me with any questions about this.
Contact me - connecting with other MFTs in the field is always a good thing!